Who is J Blessings? See full list of his Baby Mamas


J Blessings is a music producer; he was born on 5 April 1988.He has been a producer for more than 15 years. His notable work was during Churchill Show where he ensured that the program ran smoothly.

He studied at the Los Angeles Film School in California and later returning to Kenya where he Link Video Global, a production company based in Nairobi.Later, he registered a company called Digitone Agency. He is also the co-founder of Keep Pace Africa.

The producer has worked with Willy Paul, Singer Shantel, Avril Nyambura, Joyce Omondi,Gloria Muliro,Prezzo,Guardian Angel and Koffi Olomide.

In the process of building his career,he had an affair with several musicians and journalists. Among those who successfully became pregnant for him include:

1. Shantel

2. Mwende Macharia

3. Laika

4. Avril Kenya.

J Blessing has been accused of beating Avril Nyambura who is one of his baby mamas. The singer(Avril) posted photos of him in a bandage on her head after a thorough beating. Avril didn’t disclose the reason for the beating, but it’s understood they are not in good terms.