15 to 20 Winning Versions of Betika Midweek Jackpot predictions today,2/12/2023: Make Ksh 15,000,000


A total of 15 to 20 versions of Betika Midweek jackpot predictions are available for every subscriber today. The amount available to be won is Ksh 15,000,000. With all these versions, we are sure at least one of them will earn you bonuses.

We are also offering 100% sure football multibets.

To get all these predictions, pay Ksh 1010 per month or Ksh 505 for two weeks as follows:

  • Go to MPESA
  • Select Lipa Na MPESA
  • Select Buy Goods and Services
  • Enter MPESA till number (705909)
  • Enter amount (Ksh1010,Ksh 505)
  • Enter your MPESA Pin and Send

We will be offering predictions for Betika Midweek jackpot on weekly basis.They are available via SMS.