Night Runner Caught in Chepalungu Bomet County, forced to walk naked on the streets(Photos)


Bomet County is once again in the news after one of the most notorious night runners was caught red handed. The old man was hanging on his neighbour’s roof when he was caught…he had no clothes.

A villager who saw him alerted other neighbours who came and ambushed him. Noise from the crowd attracted the entire village.

The night runner had nowhere to hide, he surrendered to the public. Instead of killing him, they paraded the elderly man on the streets of Bomet.Curretly, he is moving around with a huge crowd as he mention other night runners.

Bomet and Kisii are two notorious regions for night runners.They cause havoc and even bewitch successful people. Even in Migori,there are numerous incidences of night runners.

Here are the photos from Bomet: