Photos and video of Kelvin Mhofu Ngoshi who took poison live on Facebook


Kelvin Mhofu Ngoshi is dead.

Kelvin Mhofu Ngoshi was a Zimbabwean based in Middleburg South Africa took his life yesterday on Facebook live because his girlfriend reportedly cheated on him. In the video, he didn’t say a word. He just filmed himself drinking what people initially believed to be a regular Coca-Cola, but they later realized that the beverage had been laced with some form of poison. He later died, leaving behind a young daughter.

Kelvin had been suspecting his girlfriend until last month when he found chats of her with another man.There was overwhelming evidence that she cheated.When asked to exlplain,she told Kelvin to do what he wants.

The young man went and bought poison and put it in a coca cola bottle. He went live on Facebook where he drank like water as people watch. Nobody suspected it was poison until he was overwhelmed and fell down.

Below is a chat for Kelvin and his girlfriend after drinking poison:

May his soul rest in eternal peace

Kelvin’s Video is on Facebook!