Who is  Jack Bambo,the man who killed his wife Sheila Wangesha


Who is Jack Bambo,the man who killed his wife Sheila Wangesha?

Jack Bambo is a trained teacher by profession, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education Maths and Geography and a Masters in Environmental Planning and Management. 

He is an environmentalist, Girls, Women and Human Rights Defender. He is the founder, Light Uriri School which is an orphanage and a Girls Rescue Centre.  Non-Profit Organization that feed, cloth, shelter and educate orphaned, abandoned, street children and abused girls. He is also a member of the East African Wildlife Society, Member or Red Cross Kenya, Member of Kenya Climate Change Task Force

Jack Bambo is a Member, Speaker, Presenter:  IUCN: INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE: Presenter and Speaker on REDD & Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation,

The man  is also a Member, Speaker, Presenter: UNDP: UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM on REDD & Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation.

He is a proud father of one child, 4 year old Son Austin.

He is a Business Magnet, Social Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and has deep pockets without appetite for Women. Jack owns JB Liquor,a multimillion business scattered across the country.

Jack killed his wife after discovering that she is seeing other men.He was unable to control his anger after investing so much on his wife.