Fully Analyzed Sportpesa Mega Jackpot for 17 Games Today,2/6/2024: Make Ksh 367,091,462


Below are details about Sportpesa Mega jackpot for this weekend:

List of 5 Sportpesa Pro jackpots this weekend

13 games jackpot—Ksh 40.2 million

14 games jackpot—Ksh 47.2 million

15 games jackpot—Ksh 66.3 million

16 games jackpot—Ksh 96.1 million

17 games jackpot—Ksh 367 million

How to receive predictions for the Jackpot

We are sending 4 versions of the analyzed jackpot to each member. To receive these tips,pay Ksh 1,200 per month,Ksh 600 for two weeks or Ksh 300 per week. Below are the steps to follow when paying:

  • Go to MPESA
  • Select Lipa Na MPESA
  • Select Buy Goods and Services
  • Enter MPESA till number (705909)
  • Enter amount (Ksh1200, Ksh600, Ksh300)
  • Enter your MPESA Pin and Send

Ensure that you place all the 4 versions as sent to you. At least one of them will get over 12 correct games.

We will also send 100% sure daily football betting tips to our members. The odds range between 10 and 20.As long as you have paid for the jackpot tips, you will automatically receive the football tips.

Important information

—The stake amount is Ksh 99 only

—You are allowed to place up to 10 double chances

—You are allowed to place up to 5 triple chances

—-You can place up to 300 bets

—-Closing day is 2/6/2024

–There are 5 Sportpesa Pro jackpots

—-Sportpesa Mega Jackpot has not been won for 6 years



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