Why Pastor Nixon Matara was banned from preaching in Kisii by SDA Church


Pastor Nixon Matara and his counterpart Martha Isaac will not be gracing weddings, funerals, camp meetings and other church related events until they’re cleared by the church leadership committee. A notice doing rounds is citing misconduct and insubordination from Matara and Martha Isaac. Their fate will be determined by mid-June,2024.

These are the reasons why the SDA church is putting them on the spot:

1.Their conduct in funeral events doesn’t go in line with the church guidelines and code

2.They grace events without the knowledge of host Pastors. In the SDA setup, every Pastor is allocated a region to minister.

The two have been growing in popularity, becoming more popular than SDA church. Matara is a great man of humour who preaches for hours without boring the congregation. He has been praised world over for his wisdom and master of the Bible.His teaching revolve around jealous, witchcraft and good morals.

Elders sat down and resolved that they must stop him before they become irrelevant. Matara has cut a niche for himself as the best preacher in the entire Kisii region. This has not been celebrated by the church. We are waiting to see the next course of action.


  1. Pastor matara, Joyce, Martha and mokoro are the best for a fact, wacheni wivu when you lack the skills


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