Hilarious!Kenyans advise men on how to avoid kugongewa bibi


Kugongewa in Kenya is something people are used to. Women,especially in offices are used to this. But as a man, knowing that your wife is sleeping with someone else is painful. To solve this issue, Kenyans have come up with ways to prevent your woman from cheating on you. Here are the solutions:

1. Marry Sura Ngumu sura personal

2. Give Her at least 3 Babies back to Back

3. Let Her to be a Housewife but a busy one eg engage her with poultry,cattle and farming running errands around the home eg market,river and firewood

4. The Lower the level of education the better,

5. Take Her out every weekend to where is not busy places

6. Stop Her from going to church ,chamas or accompany her even it means waiting her outside

7. That Ring is very important

8. Try your best to provide her needs especially financially

9. Anytime she is traveling alone or attending a function, Service her five or more rounds ..

10. Give her very  very little money at a time eg 200sh per week

11. Lock her through a mganga such that if another man enters,they will lock.

12.There is nowhere to hide

13. Avoid long distance relationship


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