Sportpesa Mega Jackpot Pro Result and Bonuses for 13,14,5,16,17 Games yesterday. Who won Ksh 386.8 Million?


Sportpesa Mega Jackpot Pro results for 13,14,15,16 and 17 games jackpots have been released and bonuses paid to winners. We have a summary of these results and here are the bonuses:

Sportpesa 17/17 Jackpot Bonus

15 correct games—Ksh 1,404,410

14 correct games—Ksh 131,181

13 correct games—Ksh 25,150

12 correct games—Ksh 7,382

Sportpesa 16/16 Jackpot Bonus

13 correct games—Ksh 96,584

12 correct games—Ksh 10,927

11 correct games—Ksh 2,990

Sportpesa 15/15 Jackpot Bonus

13 correct games—Ksh 215,451

12 correct games—Ksh 85,590

11correct games—Ksh 5,829

10 correct games—Ksh 1,510

Sportpesa 14/14 Jackpot Bonus

13 correct games—Ksh 589,059

12 correct games—Ksh 102,375

11 correct games—Ksh 16,058

10 correct games—Ksh 3,350

Sportpesa 13/13 jackpot bonus

12 correct games—Ksh 271,117

11 correct games—Ksh 36,713

10 correct games—Ksh 7,434

Winning combo-1,2,1,x,1,2,1,2,2,x,2,x,x,1,x,1,1

Congratulations to al winners!

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