Home CAREER Jobs you can get without a university degree in Kenya

Jobs you can get without a university degree in Kenya



As more and more Kenyans join university for degree courses, several job opportunities are created for individuals who don’t possess degrees. Some of the jobs are well paying while others pay peanuts. But there is hope of getting a job in Kenya without a university degree. Here are the job opportunities for you.

Electrical technician

Electrical technicians are important personnel in industries and homes that have electricity. They also help in operating and repairing machines in industries. What surprises me is that some companies nowadays prefer people who did diploma in electrical and electronics engineering to those with degree course.

If there is an open vacancy for electrical technician, know that it doesn’t require a degree-even a certificate is enough.

Secretary/customer care/front office staff

Almost every office require a secretary or front office staff, and the highest qualification needed here is a diploma.

Also, many customer care officers are recruited with just a diploma certificate.

Cabin Crew/Air hostess

Almost all cabin crew employees in Kenya did either a certificate or diploma in cabin crew and aviation related courses. The position attracts only people with diploma qualification, or sometimes certificate.

Data entry staff

You don’t have to do statistics in order to become a data entry expert. Proficiency in excel and Microsoft office is enough to earn you the job.


You only need a driving license to qualify as a driver in Kenya. A degree is not important here.


Almost all Chefs in Kenya have either a certificate or diploma course. To be a chef, you are only required to have talent and love your work.


To be a cashier you only need CPA 2 qualification. Pursuing a degree for this position is added advantage.

Office cleaner/Messenger

What you need here is your mouth and all your body organs to be functionally okay. If you have a degree, here is not where to be.

Police officer/army

To be a police officer in Kenya, you only need a D in KCSE, even a diploma course is not required. Also, recruitment for armed forces require no degree, unless you are joining as a specialist or Cadet

Sales executive/merchandiser

A sales person only needs a sugar coated mouth and networking, the rest leave to a professor.

Primary school teacher

A university degree is useless when it comes to teaching a primary school in Kenya. A P1 certificate is what matters.


To be an MCA or MP,you are only required to use money to win the seat.


A diploma in nursing is enough to make you a nurse in Kenya