Home LATEST NEWS Shocking reasons Why Kenyan Single Men Are Poorer than The Married ones

Shocking reasons Why Kenyan Single Men Are Poorer than The Married ones

Shocking reasons Why Kenyan Single Men Are Poorer than The Married ones


It’s surprising that single men in Kenya, even those earning six figure salary, are poorer than married ones. There are critical reasons to support this. I believe you have seen several cases in your locality, office or village where single men are performing dismally while married men, despite having many responsibilities, are doing extremely well.

  1. Financial Management

Single men know they have few responsibilities since they aren’t married, they only have their stomach to feed. When salary comes, they spend as they wish, forcing them to be constantly broke.

  1. Many girlfriends

I think you have seen how single men behave especially when they clock age 30.One individual has a collection of girlfriends, more than five. This guy wants to be a conqueror and the fact that he doesn’t want to be seen as broke, he spends on all his girlfriends. A married man on the other hand has only his wife to feed…and as you know  how easy it is to maintain a wife.

  1. They have few projects to finance

The force behind a married man’s appetite for investment is his family. This man is constantly in fear of being broke because he knows his children won’t understand his financial situation. As a result, he invests his money wisely. A single man on the other hand has no obligations, this man would earn his salary, go drink with friends,make his girlfriends  happy and eat in expensive restaurants And by the end of the day,he has exhausted his income. The single man is not innovative at all as there is nothing forcing him to think more.

  1. A single man deceives himself about age and even abilities

A single man only matures when he gets a family.This man,even if he is 40 believes he is a child.From my own experience, these men never find it important to build,save and invest.The only thing that accelerates their maturity is marriage.