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Singer Kevin Bahati To Divorce His Wife after Discovering The Child might Have been Sired by Another Man

Singer Kevin Bahati To Divorce His Wife after Discovering The Child might Have been Sired by Another Man


There is serious war in Kevin Bahati’s house after the singer discovered that the child he claims to be his might be sired by another man.

It started last month, immediately after Diana Marua gave birth.Bahati sought to conduct DNA test for the child to be cock sure he is the biological father,but Diana,who is almost 10 years older than the singer,flatly refused.Bahati played it cool.

This week,few days to Easter Holiday,Bahati raised the issue again and in the process,a fight almost ensued.The confrontation prompted Diana to delete Bahati’s name from her Instagram profile.The instagram account previously read,”Diana Marua Bahati” but over the weekend, the elderly youth deleted one name and it now reads,”Diana Marua”.

The case of Kevin Bahati can be likened to that of Dennis Okari and Betty Kyalo.Immediately Kyalo left Okari’s compound, she deleted his name and photos from her social media accounts.Similarly,Lilian Muli did the same few years ago.

Kevin Bahati plucked Diana Marua from another man.Diana was initially married with two kids but due to money,she left her man in tears and started life with Bahati.Now thing are thick and aytime from now,she might be single again.