This is Joseph Wanjau Alejandro, the Man who is Conning Kenyans on Facebook


Fraudster Joseph Kamande Wanjau Alejandro who conned the public through baby Fidelis’ medical situation was arrested on Thursday morning and he’s in police custody.

Wanjau posted a photo of Fidelis Muthoni on his Facebook Page appealing for financial help to pay for the baby head surgery; many people contributed since the baby’s condition looked worse.

When he received all the money, he disappeared never to be seen, he then changed his location to Mexico but in the real sense he was in Kenya.

Police started searching for him where they traced him in Westlands.They arrested him and took him to Muthangari Police Station.

The man has a tendency of looking for babies who are physically challenged; he takes a photo with them, uploads on his Facebook Page and then starts appealing for financial help.

Wanjau is the founder of Hope Foundation and in the latest case he is accused of Coning a family Ksh 2.8 million.


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