Citizen TV’s Mother in-law Actress ,Olive, Quits the Show



Barely a year after Catherine Kamau aka Celina left Citizen TV’s Mother In-law show, another actress is on her way out. Idah Alisha, popularly known as Olive, has left a big vacuum in the popular evening show following her announcement that she’ll be away for further studies.

“Well lets see what the future holds. Look out world … HERE I COME! #GreatnessAwaits #WatchThisSpace #ProudOfMe #JesusLovesMe#JesusTakeTheWheel #Blessed #OkBye”,reads her Facebook post.

Aisha is expected to be away for at least two years and it’s not clear who is to replace her, but she has left a vacuum at the show.

The Actress perfectly plays the role of a naïve girl and most of the episodes she acts as the victim. It will take ages before fans of the show get used to the changes.


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