Planning Principal Secretary Peter Mangiti to step aside as Waiguru Faces EACC


peter mangiti

Planning Principal Secretary Peter Mangiti is expected to step aside following revelations that he presented fake documents to the Parliamentary Accounts committee last week which exposed corruption of the highest level in the Devolution ministry.

His documents generated heated debate which put Anne Waiguru in an awkward position with majority of Kenyans putting pressure on her to resign. She has however remained unmoved; claiming that it’s not her responsibility to account for money lost through the ministry. The blame has now shifted to Mr.Mangiti.

On Monday, Mangiti was forced to apologize in front of a crowd backed up with media. He explained that the documents he presented last week to PAC were not up to date. The revelation puts the last nail in Mangiti’s job. According to the constitution, any public officer who gives false information is subjected to imprisonment or a hefty fine.

Sources close to the Ministry indicate that the PS was forced to recant his evidence to save the face of the government. The source further reveals that the PS agreed to take responsibility so that the CS can continue holding her position.

Mr.Mangiti is expected to resign later this week and during a cabinet reshuffle slated for late this month, he will be given a soft landing.

Corruption has become a national disaster, which has prompted the US Ambassador to Kenya Robert F. Godec to reveal that America will put sanctions on Kenyans who engage in corruption. The ministry of Devolution alone has lost over Ksh1.2 billion since Ann Waiguru was appointed the Cabinet Secretary.

It is sad that Uhuru’s government is supervising corruption instead of taking action on the said corrupt leaders. We are sinking.


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