Food That Can Make You Weak in Bed-Shocking



Having strong appetite in bed is everyone’s joy, but sometimes you reach a point where you are too weak to perform to expected standard, forcing your partner to question why in the first place gave in.Sometimes your situation can be as a result of some foods you eat.

Venas News can reveal some of the foods that you will eat and end up being useless in bed.


I know you love alcohol, but avoid as much as possible taking the drink. It has been proved that alcohol causes er@ctile dysfunction, which is the fear of every man.Another shocking effect of alcohol is that despite impacting negatively on your performance in bed it can also cause infertility.


I know you understand sugar is the main cause of diabetes. You should also know from today that excessive consumption of sugar can reduce your performance in bed.

Simple sugars, such as glucose and fructose, are metabolized in your liver and the excess fat gets stored as lipids. Excess fat synthesis deactivates your shbg (s@x hormone binding globulin) gene, causing your levels of shbg protein to drop dramatically, and it is this shbg protein that controls your testosterone and oestrogen levels.

Plastic bottles

Throw away that spare water bottle you keep at work. It’s not the water, but the plastic which is the problem. Most plastic food containers and water bottles contain bisphenol a (bpa), a chemical component that is reported to have a negative impact on fertility in both men and women.

  1. Coffee


Coffee as we all know wires up the body system and make you feels alert. But if you’re someone who feels edgy or apprehensive after drinking coffee, the caffeine could have a direct impact on the time in bed with your partner. Increased anxiety can often lower your s@x drive.


  1. Spicy foods

Heavily scented or spiced foods have the potential to change the way your v@gina smells and tastes. This list of food and beverages also has on it coffee, onions, garlic and strong spices. Try and include more whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies in your diet.

  1. Chocolate

Dark chocolate has often been perceived as a stimulant and is said to induce feelings of love and affection. But there are types of chocolates that are known to adversely affect and reduce testosterone levels. Be careful with what you choose to eat. Try always opting for darker chocolates.

Fatty Foods

Fatty meals can greatly increase your weight, leading to poor performance in bed.