Shocking! This is Mike Sonko’s CV-By Miguna Miguna



Aspiring Nairobi Governor Miguna Miguna has come up with the biography of Mike Sonko, which also gives details of his CV.One of the most striking statement is that Sonko was jailed at Shimo la Tewa and later escaped from prison.

Below is Sonko’s Biography and CV

Mike Mbuvi Sonko’s CV

 Attended Kikowani Primary School and performed dismally.

 Dropped out of Form 2 at Kwale High School.

 Convicted and sentenced to serve time at Shimo La Tewa Maximum Prison for theft and fraud.

 Escaped from prison and changed his name to Mika Musa.

 Changed his name again to Mike Munga.

 Moved to Nairobi and changed his name to Mike Gidion Kioko Mbuvi.

 Bought matatus and became a “makanga” in Nairobi.

 Opened Bars in Buru Buru estate.

 Bought a nomination certificate from Narc-Kenya in 2010.

 Elected MP for Makadara on September 20, 2010 by-election.

 Bought a university degree from the Kenya Methodist University.

 Called for the forceful circumcision of Luos.

 Boxed buildings in Nairobi.

 Poured “unga” on Nairobi streets.

 Danced and lay on streets at The Hague.

 Terrorized motorists and mourners in Nairobi with armed goons.

 Claimed that he was Acting President of the Republic of Kenya.

 Has spoken ZERO TIMES in Parliament in 8 years.

 Is functionally illiterate.

 Wants to become the Governor of Nairobi


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