This is Why You Should Not Go To Eastleigh Today, Please Avoid The Town



Eastleigh town is in chaos after hawkers refused to vacate the area, prompting mall owners to shut down shops.

Today, the town is deserted as all the shops operating in Eastleigh will be closed. We are informed that currently there are running battles between hawkers and traders, and the fight might degenerate into something else. Traders have demanded that hawkers must be cleared from the town because of obstruction. They claim that by hawkers doing business in front of their shops, they prevent buyers from visiting their shops. Only traders are licensed to operate shops in Eastleigh.

If you are planning to go to Eastleigh today, please look for somewhere else to shop your clothes-the shops will be closed. You can buy online at Jumia or Kilimall, which are equally cheap.

Eastleigh still remains the best place to shop for clothes .The town attracts over 10,000 shoppers daily, most of them being women. The peak seasons being December and Weekends.The shoppers are indigenous Kenyans while traders are Somali origins.



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