List of  20 Politicians Blacklisted by National Integrity Alliance –They Are Not Fit To Run for Political Seats



A total of 20 Kenyan politicians have been blacklisted by the National Integrity Alliance as unfit to hold a public office.

Among those blacklisted include Mike Sonko,Moses Kuria,Anne Waiguru and a host of other politicians with integrity issues. If the list is taken seriously by EACC ,IEBC and other bodies, the politicians will be blocked from contesting in the forthcoming elections.

Below is the nfamous list.
1.Ann Waiguru
2.Mwangi Wa Iria
3.Mike Sonko
4.Moses Kuria
5.Stephen Murathi Kambi.
6.Samwel Kazungu Kambi.
7.Oscar Kipchumba Sudi
8.Gladys Boss Shollei
9.Elizabeth Ongoro
10.George Ochilo Ayako
11.Mathew Lempurkel.
12.Alfred Mutua
13.Evans Kidero
14.Hassan Joho
15.Kenneth Lusaka
16.Okoth Obado
17.Cyprian Awiti
18.Alfred Keter
19.Ferdinard Waititu
20.Asman Kamama


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