MPESA to Airtel money transfer charges


If you want to transfer money from MPESA to Airtel, there are charges you will incur. For amount less than Ksh 100 you’ll not pay any amount, but from Ksh100 up to Ksh70,000 you will be charged.

Below is a table summarizing the amount of money to pay when you want to transfer money from Safaricom to Airtel:

Min(KSHs.) Max(KSHs.) M-PESA Charges
1 49 N/A
50 100 N/A
101 500 11
501 1,000 15
1,001 1,500 26
1,501 2,500 41
2,501 3,500 56
3,501 5,000 61
5,001 7,500 77
7,501 10,000 87
10,001 15,000 97
15,001 20,000 102
20,001 35,000 105
35,001 50,000 105
50,001 70,000 105