Home LATEST NEWS Website Loading Speed Will Start Determining Ranking on Google

Website Loading Speed Will Start Determining Ranking on Google

Website Loading Speed Will Start Determining Ranking on Google



Google has announced a significant change in how it ranks websites for mobile searches: it will now take page speed into consideration as one of its signals, the company says. The change, which Google is referring to as the “Speed Update,” will go into effect in July 2018, and will downrank very slow websites under certain conditions. Though speed will become more of a factor in determining the order of search results, the change is not so drastic as to make it the only factor. There will be times that slow pages still rank highly – like when they have the most relevant content related to the search query at hand, for example.

Google says the update will only affect pages that “deliver the slowest experience to users” and it will only affect a small percentage of queries.

This means if your site loading speed is low and it doesn’t contain useful information to your readers,it will automatically be downranked.

But many would ask, how do I increase speed of my website? Below is a blog post advising on the same:

How To Speed Up WordPress Site