How to do company name search in Kenya


Before you register any business in Kenya, you are required to perform a company name search to ensure that there is no company registered under that name.Company registration is a very important process because it can enable you apply for government and private companies tenders ,which translates to money.

The first step in performing company name search process is to identify a suitable name for your business, then write a letter to Company Registrar requesting him/her to perform the name search,who will in turn reserve the name for use.

Once the registrar assured you that your name has unique identity, he will reserve it for you and gives you an okay to proceed with company registration.

Name reservation costs Ksh 100 per single name.The process takes 30 days upon which someone else can use the name ,but you can extend the period for another one month by paying Ksh 100.

It is important to do a name search because without this,you will not proceed with company registration.

It’s important also to note that a good name is that that can easily be memorized by your customers.So,if you are in the process of starting a company,make sure you have a name that can grow into a powerful brand.Sometimes you find people coming up with names that are too hard to memorize or not good for a brand.

Names like Cocacola,Apple,Google,Jumia,Amazon started small but grew with time to become milti-billion brands.So,think about an amazing name for your business.


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