The process of registering a limited company in Kenya is very easy as long as you have the required documents.And since Huduma Centre is operating,this process takes not more than 2 weeks.
A limited company is an organization set up by more than two people with a common goal.The company is guided by certain principals and must have article and memorandum of association.
A limited responsible in its own right for everything it does and its finances are separate to your personal finances
• Before you register a limited company, you need to perform a name search and once you have been given an okay you proceed to register your company.
• A limited company name should end with a Ltd designator.
• The process of registering a limited company requires you to prepare an article of association and a memorandum of association.
• Preparing these documents is not hard as such; you can obtain free templates online and edit them to suit your company.
• All directors must sign the memorandum of association and article of association before you submit to the registrar for registration. Also, a minimum of three copies are required for submission.
These forms should also accompany the memorandum of association and article of association:
• Form No. 208 – Declaration of Compliance with the requirements of the Companies act on application for registration of a company
• Form No. 201 – Notice of situation of registered office or of any change therein (Section 108)
• The Stamp Duty Act (Cap 480) – Statement of Nominal Capital
Once the documents are ready ,submit them to the registrar of companies for registration ,who will forward them to the KRA for stamp duty.
Stamp duty costs less than Ksh 25,000.