All 2015 KCSE Exam papers have leaked


Education system in Kenya is going to dogs, who will save it!

Reliable sources indicate that form four candidates are in possession of all Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education papers and they’re happy their problems have been solved.

We are informed that a single paper costs as little as Ksh 20,with a number of them being given to candidates for free.There are silent celebrations in many schools across the country where students are chest thumping that they have caught the examiner pants down.

Kenya National Examination Council has not responded to the matter but it’s believed that they are aware something is not going right.

Citizen TV aired the story on how the papers are circulating within schools and on WhatsApp but the examination body is not seen being active enough to put to end the mess.

According to popular blogger, Robert Alai:

“I am being told that 2015 KCSE is fully leaked and available to all. I have been sent these papers as proof. These are physics paper for tomorrow”

Teachers went on strike for 4 weeks and most schools did not complete the syllabus. Is it that the papers are deliberately being circulated so that teachers will not carry the blame?


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