Inooro TV Overtakes K24 in Viewership



Inooro TV, which broadcasts in Kikuyu, has overtaken K24 in viewership numbers.

The recent statistics shows that Inooro TV, which was launched late in 2015, is growing exponentially as more viewers from Central Kenya shun K24 for Inooro.

The growth is attributed to various programmes aired at the station that capture the attention of most Kikuyu speakers.

The latest statistics reveal that K24 receives 80 % of the viewership from Central Kenya, which is the main target of Inooro TV. The survey established that the target population is more comfortable watching news or listening to programmes broadcast in native language.

In contrast, Kameme was found to be more popular in Central Kenya than Inooro radio.Kameme is owned by Mediamax Network while Inooro radio is owned by Royal Media Services.



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