When earning a monthly salary of Sh 50,000,the tax charged on the salary is 17.22 %.Which implies that after tax you will earn a monthly salary of Sh 39,111.90.The tax charged here, according to the percentage stated above,NHIF and NSSF,is Sh 8,608.10
Gross Pay KSh 50,000.00
NSSF Pension Contribution KSh 1,080.00
Taxable Pay KSh 48,920.00
PAYE Before Relief KSh 9,770.10
Personal Relief KSh 1,162.00
Insurance Relief KSh 0.00
PAYE KSh 8,608.10
NHIF Contribution KSh 1,200.00
Net Pay KSh 39,111.90
Effective Tax Rate 17.22%