End of the road! News just in indicates that IEBC commissioners, led by Isaack Hassan, are expected to resign any time this week.
Our source says that the commissioners succumbed to pressure after realizing that none in the two coalitions (CORD, Jubilee), wants to see them in the office. They also feel the heat after international media covered the Monday demonstrations where several CORD supporters met with tear gas, leading to several injuries and death.
Though the commissioners have not officially stated they would resign, the mood in their office at the Anniversary Towers will inform any keen observer that nothing is good before them. They are speaking in low tones as they plan to quit the hot seats.
After vacating the office, a commission will be formed to interview and recruit new IEBC commissioners who will conduct the 2017 general elections.
The current office holders were expected to wind up after conducting the next general election, but CORD has maintained that the commission is openly partisan.