University With Most Successful Graduates in Kenya



Do you know where you school plays a significant role in determining your future. It has been established that not all universities in Kenya produce successful graduates, simply because of the reputation such universities hold.There afew universities in our country which produce leaders and successful businessmen. Such universities can be compared to Havard, Oxford, MIT, Stanford and Yale which produce American presidents.

In Kenya, the leaders you see, the best politicians you see, the best lawyers you see, the best engineers you see, the best entrepreneurs you see, the best journalists you see, all come from the following universities:

  1. University of Nairobi
  2. Kenyatta University
  3. Strathmore University
  4. Moi University
  5. Daystar University
  6. USIU
  7. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)

Now tell me: how many successful Kenyans do you know schooled at Mouth Kenya University, KEMU or St Paul’s University. I know you will tell me Ngilu and Sonko.Ask me why they didn’t attend those universities before being famous…but before you raise the question, ask them what they scored in KCSE.

Studying IT or any engineering course at JKUAT will make you 10 times better than engineering graduate from MKU. Studying Law or Medicine at UoN will make you 100 times better than a student from St Paul’s University. Studying at KU will make you the best politician or teacher in our country. Strathmore University will make you the best finance manager in the country.


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