UN Migration Agency Conducts Investigations at Two Kenya Emergency Sites…So This is What Happens in Kakuma and Dadaab Camps!!!!!



 IOM, the UN Migration Agency, is conducting investigations into alleged misconduct in both Kakuma and Dadaab refugee camps. Both investigations are complex matters that require resources, time and due process.

The Organization’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is leading both probes with a team of experienced investigators. If IOM’s investigation of these allegations produces evidence that substantiates any misconduct by IOM or other personnel, the Director General is prepared to take any required action.

“IOM takes all allegations of misconduct extremely seriously and has a policy of zero tolerance towards any breaches of its rules of conduct,” said IOM Director General William Lacy Swing. “The safety and protection of vulnerable migrants is our top priority.”

IOM will also initiate a review of its operations and management at both refugee camps to ensure that the essential humanitarian aid provided to refugees at both locations, in close cooperation with UNHCR and other partners, continues to be effective and valued.

Additional Information

Investigations at IOM are done by the Organization’s Office of the Inspector General. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) operates as an independent arm of IOM providing internal oversight. OIG provides the Director General with independent advice to ensure integrity of operations.

All IOM staff, as well as staff of our partners, are expected to sign the organization’s Standards of Conduct which specifies an obligation not to abuse positions in relation to beneficiaries and to make sure that all their actions are free of any consideration of personal gain.

The Standards of Conduct instructs staff regarding their professional and personal behaviour. Failure to comply with the Standards may amount to misconduct, and may lead IOM to refer such cases to national authorities for prosecution.



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