The Nairobi Hospital Cancer Center (TNHCC) Treatment Services



The Nairobi Hospital is one of few hospitals in Kenya which offer cancer treatment.The hospital treats the following types of cancer diseases.

Chemotherapy Unit

The Nairobi Hospital Cancer Treatment Center, is housed in The Nairobi Hospital (TNH) – a tertiary hospital found in Nairobi city. It houses a team that provide seamless care needed in diagnosis of cancer investigation, surgery, treatment, nursing, rehabilitation, palliation & supportive care. Good multidisciplinary team based care is translated into personalized service. We truly provide you healthcare with a difference.
The prevalence of cancer in Kenya has been on the increase in the past years due to a number of factors like, general increase in population, increased life expectancy, shift in lifestyle and exposure to more toxins. Breast and cervical cancer are commonest cancers in women in this country while colon/intestinal cancer and prostate cancer being top in men. With this worrying trend, the Cancer Treatment Centre was set up with the aim of preventing and managing cancer under one roof.



Cancer is a growing concern in our region. With the number of new cases per year increasing faster than the development of treatment centres, unfortunately, the list is only getting longer.

Emulating our motto of ‘Healthcare with a difference’, The Nairobi Hospital is proud to offer complete and comprehensive cancer care for patients.

The Nairobi Hospital offers state-of-the-art cancer treatment programs in an atmosphere of trust, safety and comfort. We know how important it is to receive quality, professional medical care when you or your family feel vulnerable.

The Cancer Treatment Centre at The Nairobi Hospital fulfills these needs.

HOPE Specialists at The Oncology and Cancer Treatment Centre also have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of every kind of cancer including:

  • Breast cancers
  • Prostate cancers
  • Genitourinary cancers
  • Gastrointestinal cancers
  • Skin cancers
  • Brain tumors
  • Head and neck tumors
  • Sarcomas
  • Melanoma
  • Kidney cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Other gynecological cancers
  • Hepatoma
  • Biliary cancers
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Neuroendocrine cancers

Cancer Screening


There are different risks to different people for different cancers. Some cancers are known to pass down families’ i.e. hereditary e.g. Breast, ovary, colorectal/intestinal and pancreatic cancer. Therefore those who have had a family member who has had such cancer would benefit from screening to assess risk and enable us to take necessary measures to prevent cancer.

Other cancers are associated with age , viruses and lifestyle e.g. smoking, stress, alcohol, bad sexual habits and diet for example ,lung cancer, skin cancer, throat (nasopharyngeal), cervical cancer, and food pipe (oesophageal) cancer.

For those with normal risk there are guidelines for when specific screening ought to be done to detect and prevent common cancers. i.e.

  1. pap smears every 2 yrs from 21 yrs of age to screen for cervical cancer
  2. mammogram – 2 yearly to screen for breast cancer in women above 40yrs
  3. Colonoscopy every 2 years for intestinal cancer in populations above 40 yrs of age.

The Cancer Treatment Center offers screening programs that address cancer concerns for individuals.

It is unique in that:

  • Qualified medical personnel do the screening
  • Quick referral to a multidisciplinary oncology team for treatment (Packages)
  • Flexible screening packages that are customized to suit individual risk profiles.
  • Wholesome once centre screening and management of cancer.

Tests and Investigations

General assessment by practitioner: patient history, family history, cancer risk assessment and general physical exam


  • TBC, LFT, Chest X-ray, Pelvic exam and pelvic ultrasound scan, pap smear for cervical cancer, Mammogram

Cancer markers:

  • PSA for prostrate
  • AFP for liver
  • CEA for colon/rectum
  • CA 19-9 for pancreas
  • CA 125 for ovarian cancer.

Additional tests

  • Endoscopy – OGD and colonoscopy
  • Ultrasound hepato biliary system.

Advanced Treatment & Patient Care Services

The Oncology and Cancer treatment centre has a variety of advanced treatment and patient care services, including:

  1. Radiotherapy :
    – Brachytherapy
    – General radiotherapy
  2. Chemotherapy.
  3. Radioactive Iodine Treatment.
  4. Surgery.
  5. Patient Care Services:
    – Nutrition
    – Support groups
    – Palliative care
    – Pain management
  6. Nutritional Services

Radiation Treatment Unit

This unique centre, located on the ground floor, was officially opened in July 2012. It is equipped with the latest state of the art radiation therapy machines to safely and efficiently deliver quality radiation treatment. In addition, there is a high dose rate Brachytherapy unit which allows radiation to be administered by directly introducing a radiation source into the body.

Chemotherapy Unit

This is a high quality day care service offered in a quiet, peaceful and comfortable environment by a team of experienced doctors, nurses and related team members. It is a day care service to clients who do not require to be admitted to hospital for treatment. The centre has all emergency setups in place for use in case of an emergency. Chemotherapy drugs are prepared in the Lamina flow which prevents fumes from the drugs to come into contact with other people and the environment.


  • Cancer wellness
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Cancer surgery
  • Supportive services – palliative care, pain management, nutritional counselling, psychological support, oncology pharmacy, cancer support groups


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