Indian scholarships, July 2017



The Department of Education, CTA & the Tibet Fund is offering Sikyong Professional Scholarships for Tibetan Students at selective professional schools in India. Scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor’s degree and postgraduate (Master’s Program) professional course/program.

The Central Tibetan Administration, also known as CTA is an organisation based in India. It was originally called Tibetan Kashag Government in 1960, then later renamed to “the Government of the Great Snow Land”.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor’s degree and postgraduate (Master’s Program) professional course/program.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the following fields:

Category A: Competitive Professional Studies (UG)
Medicine, Dental Surgery, Medical Specialists, Engineering, Business Administration, Law, Pharmacy, Mass Communication, Architecture, Education, Computer Application, Fine Arts, Chartered Accountant, Developmental studies & Multimedia studies

Category B: Post Graduate Studies
Master of Science, Master of Commerce, Master of Arts, Master of Philosophy & Doctor of Philosophy

Scholarship Award:

  1. a) Tuition fees:
    For Category A, tuition fees will be reimbursed as per bill with the maximum ceiling of Rs 2 Lakh. Any amount expended by the applicant against capitation fee/donation will not be reimbursed.
    For Category B, tuition fees will be reimbursed as per bill with a maximum ceiling of Rs 1 Lakh. Any amount expended by the applicant against capitation fee/donation will not be reimbursed.
  2. b) Maintenance Allowance: Annual fixed maintenance allowance of Rs 80,000 will be provided for both category A & B. However M.Phil. & PhD candidates will receive an additional contingency allowance of Rs 20,000 and Rs 30,000 per annum respectively.

Number of Scholarships: Not Known

Scholarship can be taken in India

Eligibility: Scholarship shall be awarded applicants who choose any of the fields of studies and admission in one of the listed Colleges/Universities (list separately attached).

Nationality: Tibetan students can apply for these scholarships.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.

How to Apply: Applicants must submit following documents.

  • Application form
  • CV
  • Reference Letters (Applicant for Bachelor’s program must submit two reference letters; one from School Teacher and another from Principal/Rector/Headmaster. Those applying for Master’s program must submit two reference letters from College Lecturer, and one more from School Teacher/Principal/Headmaster/Rector)
  • Letter of admission confirmation in one of the listed Colleges/Universities

Application Form

Application Deadline: The application deadlines are:

  • August 14, 2017-Bachelor’s program
  • August 31, 2017-Post Graduate (Master’s Program)

Scholarship Link