Crimes you can commit in Kenya without getting arrested



Do you know there are crimes you can commit in Kenya without being arrested? I know it can look strange but here is the list.

  1. Elections

In Kenya you can steal elections and no police officer will dare arrest you. The worst that can happen to you when you commit this evil is to lose what you stole.

  1. Another man’s wife/girlfriend

If you steal another man’s wife/girlfriend, there is nowhere the owner can take you,the worst that can happen is separation/divorce.

If you steal another man’s husband/boyfriend, you will be treated as a mpango wa kando but you won’t even see the gate of a cell…you haven’t committed any crime.

  1. If you steal exams

If you cheat in an exam, the worst that would happen is to score a Y. The only person who will be arrested is the supplier, who happens to be the school principal or your teacher.

  1. If you steal someone’s idea

Stealing someone’s idea amounts to copyright infringement .The law states that if one commits this crime, he faces a fine, which is determined by the court. But in Kenya, stealing someone’s idea is common.