Best Online shop in Kenya 2017


Best Online shop in Kenya 2017

There are over 20 online shops in Kenya where most of them deal with consumer goods and electronics. It’s estimated that 35% of Kenyans prefer shopping online due to the convenience of the shopping process.

Though all the online shops try their best to attract clients, it has been confirmed none of the shops is capable of serving clients better than Jumia.Statistics show that 6 out of 10 online shoppers prefer Jumia while 2 out of 10 prefer Kilimall.Clearly, this shows Jumia rules the market…but what makes most Kenyans resolve to spend in Jumia over other e-commerce stores?

Jumia food

Jumia is miles ahead because it offers extra products, which includes food. The beauty of this is that you will order the food and within minutes it’s delivered to you. If you have an event and you don’t want to hire people to cook for you, simply contact Jumia and tell them to cook for you and deliver a meal of your choice.

You can see a variety of food they deliver (Jumia food link)

Jumia Travel

Jumia also provide travel information,which allows you to book hotel anywhere in the world.The e-commerce store has a beautiful and up to date website that has all the information you need..price,location and order options.

If you are in USA and you want to book an hotel in Kenya,you simply go to Jumia and book.The company allows you to book and pay after you have checked in  the hotel.You can see how their Travel website is organized(Jumia Travel link)

Jumia House

Another section which I also visit is Jumia Home.This is where there is a list of houses for rent,houses for sale and land for sale.There is a list of thousands of houses to let within Nairobi and other major towns.

In the lands section,there are plots listed for sale,which are genuine with title deed.You will also find magnificent houses for sale.See for yourself here(Jumia House link)

Jumia electronics

Other e-commerce specialize in selling electronics just like Jumia but what I have liked about Jumia is their pricing model.The company ensures there is no shop that sells lower than they sale,resulting to customer retention.If you ask any of your friends where they purchased their phones majority will say Jumia. They buy from the company because their know the phones are genuine and cheap(Phones link)

All these factors Put Jumia at position 1 and kilimall at 2.