Is MBA Marketable in Kenya?



Several people have asked whether MBA is marketable in Kenya. This is after many have found it difficult to secure employment. When you enroll for MBA, there are few things you should be aware of, which no one will tell you. Once you understand those facts, you won’t ask whether MBA will take you somewhere.

To begin with, MBA is a program that is meant for individuals who are already working but want to advance their studies. It’s also ideal for professionals who are in need of special skills to manage their enterprises.MBA is not a course for people with no professional experience.MBA is not a program for people who are desperately searching for employment.MBA is a program for people who have already established their niche.

Even so, there are high chances if you possess MBA from UK,USA or Canada, your chances of securing employment are higher than that of individuals who pursue the program from local universities. It’s more so beneficial to graduates who are desperately looking for employment.

I know you will say it’s hard to be accepted for any program in a US or UK university. To clear that doubt, I would like to introduce you to an online MBA program that you will enroll without a sweat. This program allows you to study from home and at the same time continue searching for employment. The online course is offered by the University of Illinois in collaboration with Coursera.You can see more details here (Online MBA Course)

The beauty of this course is that once you enroll, you are allowed to pursue it at your own pace.Since the University of Illinois is among the leading universities in the world, you will be in the best position to secure employment even without professional experience.

Away from the online course,there is one thing that can help you ,especially if you are an MBA holder with little or no professional experience.Since employers will be looking more at what you will bring to the company,the best thing to do is,pursue your studies from the best institutions.By doing so,you will become more appealing to your potential employers and possibly increase your chances of securing employment.In Kenya,UoN and Strathmore University are are the two institutions to give first priority when you are choosing the university to enroll for the program.For those who don’t mind to spend more,enroll for online program at the University of Illinois

To answer whether MBA is marketable or not,it’s only fair to say securing employment depends on your career networks,available job opportunities,professional experience and where you pursue your education from.Currently,thousands of MBA graduates are jobless,but that does not mean it’s not marketable.The reason is that the market is saturated.In order to stand out,pursue your MBA from abroad.