KNBS Jobs 2018 for 2019 Kenya Census—Over 180,000 vacancies



The Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030, through the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), will conduct the National Population and Housing Census in 2019 in accordance with the Statistics Act 2006.

The Bureau is embarking on recruitment and training of the field personnel that will be involved in the enumeration exercise.


The personnel are divided into three categories, namely;

*Senior Supervisors (6,573)*

*Supervisors (25,831)*

*Enumerators (151,936)*


The following are the requirements for various positions.


Must be of good conduct and responsible citizens
At least form four level of education with a minimum of C- or equivalent
Must have legible, neat handwriting
Must be residents of the sub-locations, preferably the enumeration areas, they wish to work in
Aged between 18 and 50 years old
Must have a national identify card
Fluent in the main local language/dialect
*Must be available from 14th August to 2nd September, 2019*


Should be mature and responsible citizens, preferably teachers, government officers, or university graduates with management experience, or persons with equivalent qualifications such as higher national diploma with experience in coordinating research/ surveys, or presiding officer in general elections
Must be residents of the sub-locations they wish to work in
Aged between 25 years and 50 years Must have a national identity card
Fluent in the main local language/dialect
Must have good communication and training skills
Must have good public relations
*Must be available from 4th August, to 4th September, 2019*

*Senior Supervisors:*

Applicants should be mature and responsible citizens, preferably senior teachers or head teachers in secondary schools, or senior civil servants, or university graduates with a master’s degree (preferably with management experience) or senior employees of NGOs or private sector with experience in surveys/census/research
Must have good communication and training skills
Must have good public relations
Must be aged between 30 and 60 years old
Must have national identity card
*Must be available from 26th July to 6th September, 2019*

*Applications should be received by Noon, 29th June 2018 for Senior Supervisors and Supervisors, and by Noon, 4th July, 2018 for Enumerators.*

Additionally, Enumerators and Supervisors must apply to work in the sub-locations where they usually live.

Short listed candidates will be interviewed as follows:-

*Position: Senior Supervisors*

*Recruitment Date: 2nd-3rd July, 2018*

Recruitment Place: County Headquarters

*Position: Supervisors*

*Recruitment Date: 6th – 7th July, 2018*

Recruitment Place: Constituency Headquarters

Position: Enumerators

Recruitment Date: 8th- 10th July, 2019

Recruitment Place: Constituency Headquarters

The District Census Committees may make special arrangements to lower or raise the minimum qualification depending on availability of personnel.

Note: That all applications should be done online; that no application forms have been issued; and that the application process is free and open to the public.

Do not pay to apply.

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