Census 2019 Recruitment, Enumerators, Supervisors etc—Over 10,000 Jobs


The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics has announced jobs for Census exercise that will be conducted in 2019.The jobs are advertised to fill positions for enumerators, content supervisors and IT Computer Supervisors.

Application details are as follows:

Census 2019 will be held on 24/25th August 2019.

Applications are open for the available jobs as follows.

  1. Enumerators, C plain form 4, to work for 16 days Ksh1500 per day. To apply at the Assistant Chiefs office from tomorrow 11th Tuesday.
  2. Content supervisors, diploma and above, Ksh 2500 per day for 23 days. To apply at the Chiefs office.
  3. IT computer supervisor, Ksh3000 for 23 days. To apply at the County Commissioners office.

Most vacancies will be for enumerators who will be over 5,000.To be an enumerator, you only need a form 4 certificate with a C plain grade.

For graduates, the best position is Content Supervisors. This position pays Ksh 2,500 per day for 23 days—this is good money.

Visit the County Commissioner’s office and make the application.

Below are requirement for the vacancies