Bet254 Jackpot Predictions of 13 Games,30/7/2020


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We will be sending predictions for all jackpots plus Bet254 jackpot tips and daily multibets.

Here is the analyzed Bet254 jackpot for 29/7/2020:

  1. Triglav Kranj – ND Gorica–2
  2. IK Brage – Akropolis IF–1
  3. CSM Politehnica Iasi – SC FC Voluntari SA—1X
  4. Fulham – Cardiff City–1
  5. Western Sydney Wanderers – Wellington Phoenix—1or2
  6. Jiangsu Suning FC – Shandong Luneng (n)–1
  7. Oygarden FK – Grorud–1
  8. Strommen – Sandnes Ulf–1
  9. Ullensaker/Kisa IL – Ham-Kam–1
  10. Austria Lustenau – Amstetten—1X
  11. BW Linz – FC Dornbirn–1
  12. FC Juniors OÖ – SV Horn—1or2
  13. Grazer AK – Licht Loidl Lafnitz–1