List of 12 things Kenyan men should have by age 30


By age 30 Kenyan men should have some items and important documents in life. If you are a man and you don’t have at least half of these documents, then there is somewhere you re failing.

An Identity Card, driving license, birth certificate and passport should be obvious. The full list of such items include:

1. Birth certificate (for identification purposes)

2. National ID (for identification purposes)

3. Passport (for international travel)

4. Title Deed (if you own property)

5. Driving License (for driving)

6. Laptop (for work and personal use)

7. Smartphone (for communication and various tasks)

8. Marriage Certificate (if married)

9. A side hustle/business (for financial stability and growth)

10. Less than 3 close friends (quality over quantity)

11. At least Ksh 1 million savings (financial security)

12. A House (if you own a property for shelter and investment)