Best Courses to study at Kenya Methodist University (KEMU)



Kenya Methodist University was initially training courses related to theology and religion but later started offering other courses.

Today, the institution offers array of courses right from undergraduate to PhD levels. Some of the most marketable courses offered at KEMU include MSc Finance and Investments and a Degree in Medicine.

Below are the best courses offered at KEMU

  1. Bachelor of Arts in Counseling (BAC)
  2. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  3. Bachelor of Science in Microfinance (BscM)
  4. School of Medicine and Health Sciences
  5. Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBCHB)
  6. Bachelor of Science in Community Health (BScCH)
  7. Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences (BScMLS)
  8. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
  9. Bachelor of Business Information Technology (BBIT)
  10. Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (BCIS)
  11. Master of Business Administration
  12. Master of Science in Health Systems Management
  13. Master of Science in Agriculture and Rural Development
  14. Master of Science in Finance and Investment
  15. Master of Science in Nursing Education
  16. Master of Education in Leadership and Education Management

We select the courses based on the job market and the chances of graduates of these courses securing job opportunities after graduation.

As you are aware, the level of unemployment has reached worrying levels. It is therefore critical to choose a course that could provide numerous opportunities after college.


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