Banking Jobs in Kenya



Banking jobs in Kenya are not as plenty as they used to occur in the recent past, but there are some banks that employ graduates on regular basis.

The best people to work in banks are those with degree in Commerce, Statistics, HR, Economics, Marketing, Actuarial, PR or any other course that is related to business, marketing and mathematics.

While most Kenyans think working in a bank is something that is a walk in the park from Monday to Saturday, the truth of the matter is that you must be prepared to wake up earlier and sleep late. There is a lot of work in the banking sector.

The beauty of working in a bank is that there are bonuses you enjoy every year; almost every bank in the country pays bonuses to their employees at the end of every year. In addition, almost all banks offer loans at almost zero interests to their employees.

Another advantage of working in a bank is that salary increment occurs annually; unlike in public sector where salary increment comes when an individual gets a promotion.

One of the worst things about working in any Kenyan bank is that your contract can be terminated any time. You find that most employees are aware of this; they therefore do everything to protect their jobs.

There are several job titles in Kenyan banks but the worst places to work in a bank is being a cashier/clerk or given responsibilities of selling loans and marketing banking products.


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