Home LATEST NEWS Ladies, Here are Deadly health consequences of alcohol consumption in women.

Ladies, Here are Deadly health consequences of alcohol consumption in women.


Women who drink alcohol are more prone to chronic diseases like HIV, cancer and brain damage. The consequences might lead to depression and finally death.

For ladies who drink alcogol,here are the major consequences:

Women are more vulnerable than men to alcohol’s effects, even after drinking smaller amounts. ( more than 7 drinks a week).Heavy drinking can lead to increased risk of health problems such as liver disease, brain damage, and breast cancer. `

Liver disease-Women are more likely to contract alcoholic liver disease, such as hepatitis (an inflammation of the liver), and are more likely to die from liver cirrhosis (a chronic disease that progressively destroys the liver’s ability to aid in digestion and detoxification).

Brain damage-Women are more likely than men to suffer alcohol-induced brain damage, such as loss of mental function and reduced brain size.

Compared with women who don’t drink or who drink in moderation, women who drink heavily also have an increased risk of: osteoporosis (a thinning of the bones), falls and hip fractures, premature menopause, infertility and miscarriages, and high blood pressure and heart disease.