Home LATEST NEWS What is the answer for 0.01% out of 14,200,000?

What is the answer for 0.01% out of 14,200,000?


Four IEBC commissioners have disputed results released by their Chairperson. In a statement, they claim that Chebukati’s figures amount to 100.01% of the total votes cast which is more than 100%.Mathematically, the percentage should not exceed 100%.

The total number of the votes cast by the IEBC was 14,200,000.Since the total percentage was 100.01 it means that 0.01% was the extra votes. The 0.01% is equivalent to 1,420 votes.

0.01% is equivalent to 0.01/100 .To calculate and get 1,420 you multiply 0.01 by 14,200,000 and divide by 100 and the result will be 1,420.


